[[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9127679][GNU Guix – The Emacs of Distros {video} | Hacker News]]


NixOS but with Scheme. What's not to love? Side note: I need to start thinking about virtual machines. If I start experimnting on this system and lose data, I will be like unto crying. (Check that sometime not on 48 hours of sleep deprivation.) The experimentation itch is not going to bloody scratch itself.

211 theophrastus212 433 days ago213

This useful reference says "GNU Guix1 is a functional package management tool for the GNU system", so it's not a "Distro" as the title here declares? but rather, it's an aptitude replacement via guile? It's always nice to get from protracted video, and odd headline, to: "ok, but what is it? what's its function?"

214 pseudonom-215 433 days ago221

From the linked page:> Last but not least, Guix is used to build a distribution of the GNU system, with many GNU and non-GNU free software packages. The Guix System Distribution, or GNU GSD, takes advantage of the core properties of Guix at the system level. With GNU GSD, users declare all aspects of the operating system configuration, and Guix takes care of instantiating that configuration in a reproducible, stateless fashion. See GNU Distribution [0 ]. [0 ]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/guix.html#GNU-Distr...

` S4M 433 days ago

The page of the project is there: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/