Spaced repetition -


So suppose we were children who wanted to learn multiplication. SRS and Mnemosyne can’t help because multiplication is not a specific factoid? The space-time tradeoff shows us that we can de-proceduralize multiplication and turn it partly into factoids. It wouldn’t be hard for us to write a quick script or macro to generate, say, 500 random cards which ask us to multiply AB by XY, and import them to Mnemosyne.65 After all, which is your mind going to do - get good at multiplying 2 numbers (generate on-demand), or memorize 500 different multiplication problems (memoize)? From my experience with multiple subtle variants on a card, the mind gives up after just a few and falls back on a problem-solving approach - which is exactly what one wants to exercise, in this case. Congratulations; you have done the impossible. From a software engineering point of view, we might want to modify or improve the cards, and 500 snippets of text would be a tad hard to update. So coolest would be a ‘dynamic card’. Add a markup type like <eval src=""> , and then Mnemosyne feeds the src argument straight into the Python interpreter, which returns a tuple of the question text and the answer text. The question text is displayed to the user as usual, the user thinks, requests the answer, and grades himself.
