poetics of structuralism


Places/situations where "element x is here in the structure and that means event e will happen at time t". Stepping through a phenomenon's causal locale seems to imply a natural movement in its physical or structural locale.

Made this thinking of the temporal lobe. Unlike the occipital lobe, which exhibits a much tighter asocciation of function to location, to make what seem to me like good guesses about what the temporal lobe is for, you have to engage in a little poetry. The sensory cortex (for processing touch) and the Wernicke's area (for language comprehension) are both in the same place. This is not an equivalence and it doesn't imply a straightforward generalization - the suggestiveness of this connection feels more like a rhyme. Some kind of consonance that implies many candidate structures, whose atoms we have to stamp collect like we do phonemes.

Kmett on iterative deepening and spaced repetition in the wild also evokes this.

Things to be said here for how to meditate on algorithms and complexity classes the correct way. Or the relationship of data structures to algorithms. Also about form and function. The body of christ is made of bread because it is meant to be consumed, that it may be taken within us.

Reading list wishlist:

see also: form and content: it is, eventually, the thought that counts; form is the arrangement of gates and gears that lets it.
