- :phenomenology:
The act of moving through complex structure and causing complex change. translating intent through complex contexts.
Or, the feeling of pulling something off.
emotional markers: the sensation of flying, or of striving to fly. the sensation of movements in close connection. the sensation of affecting a lot of moving parts that converge. when going fast, expect disorientation, dizziness, the feeling of snowballing. when going slow, remember to breathe, and expect breath to need to be timed so as to not interfere. to go slow requires fierce concentration and and extertion of will. to go fast without losing footing requires mastery.
Mastery is best built in drill: repetition and rhythm.
Learning is best done systematically, with a good scaffolding for the concept space and for the process. If you try to get everything at once you'll get shit mixed up.
Notably, this is one of the things that CoT seems to improve performance in.