
A tool to turn a corpus into a feed.


I want an inbox of things to write, read about, and expand on that's drawn from my existing corpus. I like feeds. This is an opportunity to do programmable attention !


- ctime - mtime - srs_score (what happened the last time this was in the feed?) - atime (pagevews) - time last linked - number of times linked - keywords - publication_ready: never|no|draft|done

algorithm: pagerank-ish

What we want is a cost function:

initial guesses

initial guess at a cost function:

srs_score = k * (now - supermemo_schedule mtime ctime srs_score) # this gets updated, presumably, after some change to the page

treat srsscore as the page weight for pagerank

sid's guess: put srsscore as the damping factor

alternative: supermemo as the "outer loop"

next guess

# srs_score q n EF I -> n EF I


I = max(1, f(I,page_rank_score))


It's meant to produce connections I haven't necessarily made before (generate new knowledge). The "forgetting curve" emphasis in SRS literature treats knowledge as atomic in a way that doesn't make sense to me.

for reference: supermemo, the various algorithms, what they're tracking and how they're trying to track it

# sm_2: q:user_score n:repetition_number EF:easiness_factor I:interval -> n EF I
sm_2 q n EF I := 
    if q >= 3:
        if n = 0:
            I = 1
        if n = 1:
            I = 6
            I = round(I * EF)
        n = n + 1
        n = 0
        I = 1
    calc_EF = EF + (0.1 - (5 - q) * (0.08 + (5-q) * 0.02))
    EF = min(calc_EF, 1.3)

From :

The Algorithm: Outline The following procedure can be used to determine the status of memory (DSR status) at any moment of time for a given history of repetitions. Once the DSR status is known, we can determine the next interval using criteria of choice, e.g. forgetting index, maximization of stability, long-term workload minimization, etc.

estimate item difficulty D using the history repetitions for that item determine startup stability S0 using the history of repetitions for all repetition history records repeat the steps below compute theoretical retrievability Rt using current stability estimate Sw and the interval Int update Recall[] matrix using D, Sw[n-1], Rt with the grade-derived recall compute recall-based retrievability Rr compute grade-derived retrievability Rg estimate weighted Rw from Rt, Rr, and Rg compute Rw-based stability Sr compute SInc-based Se (Se=Sw[n-1]*SInc[D,Sw[n-1],Rw]) compute interval derived stability Si estimate weighted Sw from Sr, Se, and Si compute the stability increase SInc on the basis of Sw change update Sinc[] matrix using D, Sw, Rw with the new SInc value compute new interval using Int:=Sw*SInc[D,Sw,Rw] go back computing Rt step

in emacs:

note from sid: write the API wrangling that gets it to work in gemini / ducky / copilot!

