Piracy model of crime: criminal enterprise opportunities that come from unpoliceably wide jurisdictions
Fulfils the criterion of a large game
lots of other things are shaped like it; most things called "piracy" are, too
it is similarly shaped to the cops-and-robbers sketch in the below example set.
there is the additional interesting thing here where the lack of visibility into enforcement is directly incorporated into the nature of a business or business standard - where there can be no actual guarantee about a code of conduct, the language of guarantees, audits, and checks can still be used to confer legitimacy and promote a conspiracy of silence.
there's a documentary on netflix called Seaspiracy that discusses the certification mechanism for dolphin-safe tuna labels: certification agencies conducts almost no audits, never refuse to grant certification to a brand, and make a good portion of their money from licensing fees for said labels. calling such a thing a "certification" rather than a trademark is a good way to rig conversations about sustainable fishing practices such that they fail to attach to reality meaningfully.
Jon Christensen, “Smoking Out Objectivity,” in Proctor & Schiebinger (eds) Agnotology