Potential examples of rule dynamics in linguistics

productivity vs lexicalization


Cheap talk - complex signalling moves

This paper is a very loose sketch of a class of scenarios that would be great fun to develop richer accounts of.

an entire class of examples that consitute "zooming in" on a frame-by-frame of one's personal reasoning around phrasing, trying to catch the moment where one does "semiosis" and the ways our salient incentives influence or decide the nature of the action.

Lateness signalling

I read an article a long while ago (link pending) about a study that shows people report their ETAs with consistent overoptimism; the article's take was that the social cost of 5 minutes of reported-lateness and 5 minutes of deviation-from-report was less than 10 minutes of reported-lateness.

Tabooing, especially euphemism

A risky conversation leads to attempts to cull entry points to such conversations from dialogue. But at what point does the pragmatics - "don't talk about this" - ascend to semiotics - "use a different signal for this concept"? Why is this a viable strategy? Euphemisms are treadmills, so the effect wears off, at roughly the same pace that the referent attaches to its new meaning firmly. Theories:

Sarcasm, and other Gricean flouting

Durability of common knowledge

If common context gets baked in to a community as assumptions, these probably have a longevity far greater than the creating context itself. Hence the entire field of etymology. So, evolutionary accounts of language, but which note that evolution's relationship to information is both about its instrumental value and its value as convention.

dissent is individual, which is why collective negations can only happen through the frankly roundabout mechanism of taboo.

Saying "no" acknowledges the thing you're responding to as having enough weight to be noticed in the first place. "No" is a transformation that just doesn't survive intact through the transmission and lensing of the collective illusion. This fact is there, buried in the reflexive mistrust of protest, in the invitation to suspicion being inescapably double-edged as a rhetorical tool..."no" invites pruning, it invites criticality and logic, the exercise of reasoning over priors, and being the purest, most effective tool for the generation of powerful (useful, correct, effective, unpredicatable, unsimulable, fearsome) ideas that we have, is therefore much, much cheaper for an individual, and less risky, than it could ever be for a society. The mechanism of taboo, therefore, functions as an attempt at inoculation. It's an act of name-stealing, or dilution, of confusion. If you want certain things not to be thought, these roundabout mechanisms are all that you could hope to see working.
