Theoretical projects to do with rule dynamics

:MTIME: [2025-01-27 Mon 22:42]:PROPERTIES: :ID: d8ff20a6-d1b0-4ec1-b407-4701e95e449e

Trying to write an account of Lonely Vickrey's stability by modeling the mechanism design of Vickrey as a cut-and-choose game.

epistemic status: pure intuition, even flakier than the rest. Cut the universe with rules, choose the slice to satisfy MSW.

A dominance relation for contracts

Coalitions are such that

An extensional account of coalitions needs to account for the fact that

Messing around with ludo

Ways one might mess with ludo:

edit-distance account of language editing

"Iff we can successfully coordinate with each other, it is useful to form a coalition" - what sorts of games are shaped like this?

Clark in Meaningful Games sketches a cousin of EF games where the successful construction of a true sentence is what causes both parties to win - essentially the same extensional structure with a different payoff matrix. One notion of a subgame is as a subtree - what if instead we call a subgame a narrowing, and the filter used to construct it a filter on the players? What if the filter was a filter on signals, or a signal language? "We can force our optimal outcome iff we can coordinate". It's like an epistemic game, but instead of partitioning on knowledge of proposition θ we partition on shared-signal θ.

Knowledge boundary

Coalitions of players can coordinate to share the pieces of information needed to solve a puzzle and win a prize.
