Notes from /Strengthening the Student Toolbox/

Practice testing

Epistemic status: works really well. Works really well.

Distributed practice

Epistemic status: established awesome. Hour for hour, distributing practice over days or weeks is better.

Interleaved practice

Epistemic status: Promising.

Elaborative interrogation and self explanation

Epistemic status: mixed, awaiting further study; anecdotally strong, preliminary results strong

g- Self explanation: Explain things to yourself to place the new thing in context of the old. Profit by having a context to approach new or interesting types of problems from.

Rereading and highlighting

Epistemic status: well damn established, across a variety of learner profiles. Apparently fairly useless for retention, inference. Well disconfirmed.


Epistemic status: one study mentioned. consensus, litrev??? Useful, but requires extensive training in summarization.

Keyword mnemonic and imagery for text

Epistemic status: Dunno. One study is mentioned. Short-term gains, not widely applicable.
