modeling nomic
other formalization efforts (of nomic, other natlang games, or mechanism design)
Camilleri… natural language
Prakken formalizing robert's rules of order
Wooldridge… automated mechanism design
supporting machinery
Lescanne games of escalation
Lescanne infinite games using coinduction
Perea backward induction vs forward induction reasoning
Ghosh dynamic game logic
Alur… ATL
Perea belief in opponents' future rationality: formalization of implicit assumption underlying why we reason backwards. also a construction of "backwards dominance".
Ghosh… empirical reasoning in long form games
Ausubel… lonely vickrey, the notion of a game's stability in mechanism design space
Chen & Micali resilient mechanism design
Zwicker hypergame
Anscombe intention as a psychological truth, action under a description
general reference
prefix=van modal logic
prefix=van… models of strategic reasoning
to read (then to remove or move under other headers)
Hashimoto & Kumagai mathematical rule dynamics
Sillari sillari on rule-following as coordination
Başkent strategy update logic
Kaiser & Stafiniak general structure rewriting games
Bell… summary volume on state of the study of decision-making in 1988.
Garrabrant… swappable ontologies to interpret an action under