Lescanne :: Deconstruction of Infinite Extensive Games Using Coinduction

Lescanne, Pierre


Equilibria for infinite games using coinduction.

notes as I read

a counterexample of the fact that a finite sum of functions differentiable everywhere is differentiable everywhere whereas an infinite sum can be differentiable nowhere.

He's representing strategies as the whole game plus "which way to go from here?".


Coinductive definitions (for extensional games):

Game := Payoff | Agent Game Game Strategy := Payoff | Left <<Agent l Strategy Strategy>> | Right <<Agent r Strategy Strategy>>


s2u s:Strategy a:Agent u:Utility : Pred := cases s of

f: Payoff : s2u s a f(a)
Left : s2u sl a u => s2u <<a l sl sr>> u
Right : s2u sr a u => s2u <<a r sl sr>> u

leads to a leaf

lleaf s: Strategy := cases s of

f: Payoff : true
Left : lleaf sl => lleaf <<a l sl sr>>
Right : lleaf sr => lleaf <<a r sl sr>>

alleaf s: Strategy := cases s of

f: Payoff : true
<<a c sl sr>> : lleaf <<a c sl sr>> and alleaf sl and alleaf sr

convertibility (all the strategies where all players but one are held constant):

convertible a s1 s2: Strategy :=

leaves are equal if they are equal
head(s1) = head(s2) = a : equal with any switched choice and convertible children
head(s1) = head(s2) ! a : only equal with same choice and convertible children

Nash eqbr:

(lleaf s) and (forall a: Agent s' : Strategy, (lleaf s') and (convertible a s s') , (forall u u' : Payoff, (s2u s a u) and (s2u s' a u'), u u' )).

Subgame perfect eqbr:


Payoff : true
Left: alleaf Left and SGPE s and SGPE sr and forall u, v, (s2u sl a u and s2u sr a v) -> u >= v
Right: alleaf Right and SGPE s and SGPE sr and forall u, v, (s2u sl a u and s2u sr a v) -> u <= v
