drills that generalize

Design activites to answer a wide variety of situations. Get really good at those activites to be able to answer that variety of situations.

Thoughts on how to do this: Your tools should be small, and chain together using broadly applicable interfaces. UNIX philosophy. Go down in spec to go up in generality. Form then weight: find the simple practice for the simple scenario, than make the scenario more complex and edit the practice to scale with it. drills are meant to be structure given to actual deliberate practice: the entire point of this principle is to pump against overfitting. So: write the next drill in pencil. Late into the current stage, prune to your problem areas, or to the pieces of the practice that will serve as handles to the rest of the skill. Her we run into how is reality shaped to make spaced repetition a viable recall strategy? All practice is metapractice: practice the skill of drill writing itself by writing for simpler learning curves. Teach others, somehow.
