- "evil is banal" -> "nature is not necessarily good"
- (A)periodicity in finite state automata
- (I don't have a) gears-level model for prospect theory
- 23 Ways To Treat Yo' Self Without Buying Or Eating Anything -
- :: Hearing the Shape of a Drum
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- =cycle-themes= kill buffers bug
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- [[][Why Were Early Psychedelicists So Weird? | Slate Star Codex]]
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- [[][Just Hold On (We're Going Home) - kiaronna - Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]]]
- [[][Skybird - windsweptfic - Inception (2010) [Archive of Our Own]]]
- [[][Harlem (poem) - Wikipedia]]
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- [[][What is FreeSewing?]]
- [[][Gerbera - A free media server. Stream your media to devices on your home network.]]
- [[][novoid/lazyblorg: Blogging with Org-mode for very lazy people]]
- [[][GNU Guix – The Emacs of Distros {video} | Hacker News]]
- [[][QC (@QiaochuYuan): "one of the first things you learn when you start writing mathematical proofs is the principle of explosion: from a single false premise you can derive any conclusion, true or false. interesting to reflect on how this has shaped my thinking and orientation towards truth" | nitter-unixfox]]
- [[][Justification Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)]]
- [[][Uncommon Time - TV Tropes]]
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- [[][CS 611 Spring'09]] - Advanced Programming Languages
- [[][DM's Esoteric Programming Languages - Piet]]
- [[][Teachers Nurture Growth Mindsets in Math]]
- [[][GNU Emacs Manual: Directory Variables]]
- [[][On Enjoying Disagreeable Company - LessWrong]]
- [[][Open Source and Mental Health - Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS]]
- [[][Hermann Hesse on What Trees Teach Us About Belonging and Life – The Marginalian]]
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- [[][Civilization: Institutions, Knowledge and the Future - Samo Burja - YouTube]]
- [[][(88) Central Nervous System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #11 - YouTube]]
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- A research journal should be dated.
- action under a description
- Adamant
- adamyedidia/parsimony
- Adventures in Backing Up Data with ZFS | Gavin D. Howard
- advertising *jazz hands*
- agents can only ever be grey boxes
- aggregating collective negations needs roundabout mechanisms like tabooing.
- Albright, Daniel :: Yeats and Modernism
- Ali: Fear Eats the Soul movie review (1974) | Roger Ebert
- All Pages
- Allais paradox - Wikipedia
- alternate photographies
- Alur, Rajeev and Henzinger, Thomas A. and Kupferman, Orna :: Alternating-Time Temporal Logic
- Amateur Sociology Considered Harmful | Thing of Things
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- Andrew Hayward on Twitter: "On autism and literalism, and why it's not just about avoiding euphemisms. 🧵" / Twitter
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- Arendt, Hannah and Kroh, Jens :: Eichmann in Jerusalem
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- Ashok, Krish :: Masala Lab: The Science of Indian Cooking
- Ausubel, Lawrence M. and Milgrom, Paul and others :: The Lovely but Lonely Vickrey Auction
- Babble and Prune - LessWrong
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- Basic Shoulder ROM and stabilization Routine - YouTube
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- bias is two things - measurement and mechanism
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- Book Review: Legal Systems Very Different From Ours | Slate Star Codex
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- Caplin, Andrew :: Economic Data Engineering
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- Capturebot
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- CFAR modules
- Chang, Ruth :: Three Dogmas of Normativity
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- Chen, Vivian Hsueh-hua and Duh, Henry Been-Lirn and Renyi, Hong :: The Changing Dynamic of Social Interaction in World of Warcraft: The Impacts of Game Feature Change
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- chromakode
- ChucK => A Strongly-Timed Music Programming Language
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- codeblog/2012/ at master · leonidas/codeblog · GitHub
- Collections: Bread, How Did They Make It? Part I: Farmers! – A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry
- Comic Strip: /Bathroom Philosopher/
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- Common Lisp HyperSpec (TM)
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- computation embedded in gameplay
- constitutive rules, and regulative rules
- corollary of hofstadter's law: the longer you go overtime, the less able you are to track it.
- Creating Space to Cultivate Skill - LessWrong
- Critical Path - Buckminster Fuller
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- Data storage
- Debugging Lisp Part 1: Recompilation -
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- desired home systems documentation
- Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian :: Where Do Preferences Come From?
- direnv
- Disagreement (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- Diseasonality - by Scott Alexander - Astral Codex Ten
- Do you understand how alone we are at the moment of feeling?
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- Don't Kill Time - David Perell
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- duncan's schema of class planning
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- e.e. cummings - A Poet's Advice
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- Economath Fails the Cost-Benefit Test - Econlib
- Edwards, Darren J. :: Functional Contextual Implementation of an Evolutionary, Entropy-Based, and Embodied Free Energy Framework: Utilizing Lagrangian Mechanics and Evolutionary Game Theory’s Truth vs. Fitness Test of the Veridicality of Phenomenological Experience
- elementary set theory - Why is the hypergame not simply well founded? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
- elevate state to configuration
- Emacs
- Emacs: xah-math-input.el
- EmacsWiki: Collection Of Emacs Development Environment Tools
- encomium to site reliability engineering
- Engelfriet, Rozenberg :: Node Replacement Graph Grammars
- Engineering generosity
- Epistemic games
- Erase your darlings: immutable infrastructure for mutable systems - Graham Christensen
- Erigone
- escputil(1) - Linux man page
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- Extending desktop over VNC, the easy way / Community Contributions / Arch Linux Forums
- Facebook's dislike button.
- faith: or, things make sense
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- Fitness
- fonts - "Serifs improve fast, easy readability for long text" - myth or truth? - Graphic Design Stack Exchange
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- Foucault, Michel :: The Order of Things; an Archaeology of the Human Sciences
- Foucault, Michel and Miskowiec, Jay :: Of Other Spaces
- Frisch elasticity of labor supply
- functional programming - What persistent data structure for a set of partially ordered elements? - Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange
- Functional Reactive Programming
- Functional Reactive Programming - HaskellWiki
- G.E.M. Anscombe
- Gadducci :: Term Graph Rewriting for the π-Calculus
- Geach Axiom
- Ghostscript oneliners
- Git Subtree: Alternative to Git Submodule | Atlassian Git Tutorial
- GitHub - akirak/git-identity.el: Manage multiple Git identities from inside Emacs
- GitHub - alraban/org-recoll: A lightweight emacs org-mode wrapper for the recoll full-text search engine
- GitHub - pixeltris/GK6X: Configure keys, macros, and lighting on GK6X keyboards (GK64, GK84, GK61, etc)
- GitHub - slackhq/nebula: A scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security
- GitHub - zerotier/ZeroTierOne: A Smart Ethernet Switch for Earth
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- Goldblatt, Robert :: Diodorean Modality in Minkowski Spacetime
- Google's auctioneer-revenue-maximising mechanism commission
- grafanix
- grumpy researchers benignly haunted by the poltergeists of unsolved problems
- Gul, Faruk :: Bargaining Foundations of Shapley Value
- Gutenprint - Wikipedia
- Hall, Robert E. :: Forward-Looking Decision Making: Dynamic Programming Models Applied to Health, Risk, Employment, and Financial Stability
- Hamiltonian
- Handstands
- Handwriting practice, mimesis, and Dow's /Composition/
- Harmonic Experience, W.A. Mathieu
- Harsanyi
- Haskell noster
- Have you ever unspooled the spring in a pen?
- hilma af klint
- Hodges, Wilfrid :: Logic and Games
- Holodomor - Wikipedia
- Hot keys and keyboard shortcuts – Zoom Support
- How do Mesh VPNs work? Writing my own VPN tool in Golang to find out | Sam Lewis
- how does the notebook work?
- How is reality shaped to make spaced repetition a viable recall strategy?
- How To Get Better at Painting – Without Painting Anything
- How to read
- How To Research Like a PhD Student | Nebula
- How ‘Mr. Robot’ Uses Lower Quadrant Framing to Create a Feeling of Oppression and Isolation - Bold Entrance
- humility
- Hypergame
- Hypergame and Variations: or, Rulechanging
- hypotheses for why people on the margin make step-function-y decisions
- I carry your heart with me by e.e. cummings - Famous poems, famous poets. - All Poetry
- I need ritual.
- ido portal
- Ido's Squat Clinic Routine - YouTube
- IIIT Work Summary May 2024
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- Illocutionary act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- in this house we are cringe — I literally love topology so much. I've been...
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- Koestler, Arthur :: Darkness at Noon
- Kondratiev wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- language games
- Language-games (Wittgenstein, Waismann)
- Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
- Leap Ahead! 3rd Grade - Macintosh Repository
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- Lescanne :: Deconstruction of Infinite Extensive Games Using Coinduction
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- Meadows, Donella H. :: Thinking in Systems: A Primer
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- Music and movement as a reboot/shuffle button for my atypical attention inertia (ADHD) | Mel Chua
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- Mäki, Uskali, Models and the Locus of Their Truth
- Neume - Wikipedia
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- normativity
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- Notes on Dietrich & List's Property-Based Model of Preferences
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- Ogive - Wikipedia
- On Modern Art - Paul Klee
- On the personal
- on the relationship of form to content: it is, eventually, the thought that counts
- org mode - How to refile into a datetree - Emacs Stack Exchange
- Org-Notebook
- Original Position (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- Original Position - SEP
- Oshetsky, Claire :: Chouette
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- owning
- Pantograph - Wikipedia
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- Pettit :: On Three Dogmas of Normativity
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- Philosophy of Economics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
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- Preorder - Wikipedia
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- Printing
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- publishing online
- Pólya urn model - Wikipedia
- Rclone
- reachability semantics for properties in Dietrich-List games
- recall measures instrumentality
- Regret in Markets | Turing's Invisible Hand
- relations - Finding all posets on a set - Mathematics Stack Exchange
- Rescorla, Michael :: Convention
- Resolving duplicate ID's in org-mode - Emacs Stack Exchange
- Robert Sugden
- Roles an utterance can play
- Rosenhan, D. L. :: On Being Sane in Insane Places
- Rule Utilitarianism
- Ruled Paper Templates - Inks and Pens
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- Saviano, Roberto :: Gomorrah: A Personal Journey into the Violent International Empire of Naples’ Organized Crime System
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- Shapley value - Wikipedia
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- Slipping into psychosis: living in the prodrome (part 1, originally 5 January 2011) – Neuroanthropology
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- Spaced repetition -
- Spaced repetition is about graph connectivity
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- spitandvinegar - Ain't No grave (can't Keep My Body Down)
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- Suber, Peter :: Appendix 3: Nomic: A Game of Self-Amendment
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- Teaching Is Learning Is Teaching
- the 8086 MOV instruction is a high-level language. - Hari
- The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- The cat catching story
- The Ceph CRUSH algorithm
- The Common Lisp Cookbook
- The Darkness | ContraPoints - YouTube
- The Everything Guide to Picking Up the Piano As an Adult | The Strategist
- The Floreio Project
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- The HoTT Game — The HoTT Game 0.1 documentation
- The Island of Doctor Moreau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The Little-Known ‘Slow Fire’ That’s Destroying All Our Books ‹ Literary Hub
- The Martians (scientists) - Wikipedia
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- the problem of the copula
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- The stability of Lonely Vickrey, or One's Choice of Neighbourhood
- The Thresher – sam[ ]zdat
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- The virtue of drilling
- Theoretical projects to do with rule dynamics
- thermodynamics of open systems
- tinc
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- To Fatimah Asghar, for Brown Girls and Red
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- ToposText
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- Trembling hand perfect equilibrium - Wikipedia
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- Typesetting
- Typing Analytics in Emacs
- UKLG comment about absolute belief coexisting with knowledge that one has no reason to believe and many to disbelieve is weirdly useful for a textbook also.
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- What to do When Emacs Hangs or Crashes | Irreal
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- Why Deafening Engineering? Because onto(ethico)epistemologies. | Mel Chua
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- YOW! 2014 Edward Kmett - Stop Treading Water: Learning to Learn #YOW - YouTube
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- Zwicker, William S. :: Playing Games with Games: The Hypergame Paradox
- ‘Fountain’, Marcel Duchamp, 1917, replica 1964 | Tate